sâmbătă, 7 octombrie 2017

Emi & STEM


I am an ITC professor at the College of Forestry in Gurghiu( Romania) and when necessary, trainer for my fellow teachers (ITC Trainer and educational management)
I teach ITC (1 hour/week) at middle school, high school, vocational school and post-secondary school. As a teacher, I have involved my students (I've initiated and participated as a partner) in many eTwinning projects
My school is Gurghiu Forest College- is situated in a beautiful mountain and rural area, in the central part of the country- Mures County
We are a large school with several levels :
 Primary School
 Secondary School
 High School
 Vocational High School ( Forestry and Woodworking)
 Post secondary school - Forestry Technicians
In our school we have:
Romanian section (1517);
Hungarian section ( 136);

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